Friday, April 18, 2008

The Waiting Faces

This poem was written during the long wait for interview in TISS for HRM course. My Group Discussion was over by 10:30 am and then I had to wait till 5 pm for my interview. Before starting the poem I would like to give background unless which, according to me, readers will not be able to get what i want to say. There were many people waiting for their turn for the interview just like me. Some of them were fresh graduates, who were facing such situation for the first time while few were experienced like me or even having more than me. But all were anxiously waiting for interview to get done and as they came back from the rooms where interviews were taking place, I came to observe their faces, and everyone, no matter experienced or otherwise showed same expression on their face and this poem occurred to me. And I thought of putting it here:

The Waiting Faces

For how much Time
Shall we wait?
Asked faces
Faces, that were tired
Faces, that were pretty
Faces, that were anxious
Faces, that were waiting
For their future

For how much time
Shall we wait?
It was already four hours
Gone in wait for "Questions"
That would answer
If their "Wait" is going to end
This year or one more year shall they wait
Before ending "The wait"

Some faces, relieved
Some faces, despaired
Some faces, happy
Some faces, confused
Such faces were
The product of our system
Some faces, young
Some faces, experienced
But they were all there
Together, waiting
Making no distinction
As such there is no difference
Between faces
Who are "waiting"


k said...

'Making no distinction
As such there is no difference
Between faces
Who are "waiting"'

- this is really brilliant gaurav... get the poet out... you are already a philosopher :)

Shilpa Ramesh Maiya said...

care to mention the author of the poem?

Chaitali... said...

awesome!!hidden talents popping up n all huh!